Thursday, November 16, 2006

It's a good thing!

Subversive at-work blogging while the rest of the office is in a meeting, oh yessss.

I kinda feel sorry for the people who read this, because I either don't update or my posts are terribly unexciting. So allow me to tell you a story from yesterday, which some of you have already heard.

I was running late for the bus, as is my fashion. I grappbed my keys and phone and ran for the door - at which point I remembered that I had promised The Jenn I would take out the bag of stinky kitty litter.

So I grap the garbage bag and haul ass down the stairs of our building and back to the dumpster. I toss the bag inside...and my phone goes flying in with it. I'm standing there, already about to miss the bus, and looking at my pretty pink phone sitting calmly atop a pile of garbage bags. Unfortunately, said pile is not high enough for me to simply reach iside and snatch py phone. On the plus side the dumpster is fairly non-gross at the time. So I do what is necessary: I throw all my stuff on the ground and go dumpster-diving.

As I'm emerging, I see the bus pulling up to my stop. So I dash across the parking lot at full speed, only to have my rape alarm dislodge itself from my keychain and fly (screaming loudly) back across the parking lot. For a split second I contemplate just leaving it there but one of my neighbours is staring at me. I run back for the alarm and again dash for the bus - this time attempting to simultaneously fit the pin back into the noisy alarm thingy.

Miraculously, I catch the bus.

In other news I am almost done the law school applications (at last!) and am getting ready for the holidays. The title of this here post refers to the fact that I'm becoming a bit of a treehugging Martha - making soaps and yummy snacks rather than buying tons of useless stuff for the people on my list. I did go shopping with Trainee last weekend and tried to get some of my gift shopping done...I successfully found a measuring cup for myself and a late birthday present for The Boy. I also developed a burning desire for every product in the Lush store (except for the one I actually went in looking for). Sigh. I know I need to get a move on because Noel Nog is out now and if I don't get my gifts first I may spend all my money on creamy soy-based eggnog-esque goodness. It's just so delicious! Right now I'm sickish and losing my voice. that's bad because my job involves answering phones etc.

Anyway - the rest of the office is back. Must go.


Anonymous said...

Who are you trying to kid, your entries are always exciting!

Congrats on getting down to the end of the law school apps. And on your successful dumpster-dive.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with your entry, but it was kinda funny: A few moments ago I was chatting with Nathan B. from high school, for the first time since we ran into him at the Dome. I sent him the link to my site. After a few minutes he noted that my sister was cute, and asked why didn't I tell him about her before?! Hehehe, I laughed for about five minutes...

Me said...

Wait, what?! You carry a rape alarm around with you? Thats insane. Never heard of a women in this city carry one before. I feel safer and safer in Sydney every day.

SassyTortuga said...

Matthew: Awesome.

Orhan: Yeah, Halifax has the highest per-capita crime rate in Canada. The reasons for that are fairly complex, but it's still a pretty alarming statistic. I honestly don't know of a lot of women here who carry rape alarms here, but I got this keychain for Christmas last year (from an American relative) and since I have it I figure it can't hurt to carry it around, just in case. It's a comfort to have with me when I'm out at night...although I'm starting to feel like it's more trouble than it's worth!