Thursday, October 20, 2005

Baby I'm Back

Holy month batman. I'm sort of moved the very least I have my bed, and a few of my posters are up in the apartment. Still using Jenn's computer but that's a-ok because it's way better than mine.

So I went to the Hawksley concert at the Marquee on the 14th...Adam got Jenny and I on the guest list so we got to pretend that we were all cool and such. Andthat man is SEXY live. CDs do not do him justice. Jenny put it best when we were leaving the Marquee and she said, "Is it wrong that I have the overwhelming urge to touch myself right now?" The moral of the story is, Hawksley is sexy.

School is wow...I stayed up until 7 this morning writing a take-home midterm while the cat attacked my feet through the quilt. Then this morning he jumped on my head. That is one crazy animal. But anyway. You know you should have worn makeup when the person stting next to you in class says "you look like you were up late writing this." Wow thanks dude.

Anyway...out tonight for Angie's birthday...oops I mean the STAFF SOCIAL...Angelah has decided that she's not having any more birthdays. I think she's being silly.

Anyhoo, it's off to Vinnie's I go. After my nap. Whee!

Saturday, October 08, 2005


So I'm...KIND OF moved in to the new place. My bed is still in Sackville along with the rest of my furniture, and my mattress has yet to be purchased...but that's ok, I have my clothes and lots of food and THE PLACE TO MYSELF FOR THE WEEKEND!!! Haha if only I had time to do somehting other than study and make stuffing and mushroom gravy...

Stay tuned for a housewarming party, possibly of the FANTOGA variety - that's right, Fantasia and (optional) toga-wearing. Just because we can. Anyway, I have nothing interesting to say today. Ciao.