Friday, April 21, 2006

The drunken post you've all been waiting for

Apologizing in advance for any typos or stupid comments made by the author of this blog in the near future, I really have to provide the disclaimer that I just came home from partying with my poli-sci nerd friends and that there was consumed and some conspiracy theories exchanged and I might have driven Roddy's roommate's cat a little nuts and I might be doing the same to KC...

Sometimes after a tough four years you just have to let loose a little and abandon all cares about your inventory responsibilities that are coming up in the next...oh...5 1/2 hours from now. How often do I really party? And more importantly, how often do I fall asleep in a tanning bed? Because it's highly likely that I may do so after work. Fortunately I tan with a responsible company and the bed will shut off after 12 minutes whether I fall asleep or not...

I should go to bed. All of my loyal readers are probably now laughing on the inside at the inanity and self-importance of this post. Comment at will, dear loyal readers. I'll be off eating toast and sleeping off a bunch of free beer.


Anonymous said...

She put a bunch of commas in places where they shouldn't be if that makes you feel better mark.

Course she does that when she's sober too =P

Glad you had a good time and relaxed a little!

SassyTortuga said...

Whatever, there are only three commas in that entire post and only one of them is blatantly misplaced.

Comma hater.

Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

found you somehow, and now I'm laughing...perhaps a little too hard...I also went out with friends 2nite.

ps -- the worst is too many exclamation marks!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you enjoyed yourself! Ah, someday I will come party with you political studies nerds again...

Justin Beach said...

One of the most coherent drunken posts I've ever read. Given that it was 20+ hours ago now I hope you, and the cat are both feeling much better.