Thursday, April 06, 2006

Things that scare me

1) economic policy

Last class of my degree and I got very little of it. A discussion on the IMF's gold policy, based on a group presentation from earlier this week, very heavy on the macroeconomic theories and whoa. I felt really left out of the discussion because overall I just. don't. get. it. I did, however, contribute more to the discussion than half of the group that was presenting. 98% of the questions posed to the grop were answered by one dude and he was clearly loving it. Which leads me to:

2) yuppies

Actually, they fascinate me more than anything. He was so excited about discussing monetary policy and he was getting up and drawing charts and talking in this very confident, even overbearing way. A total CEO in the making.

3) 4am

Which is when the cat woke me up this morning. Apparently my door slammed shut last night and he was trapped in my bedroom...however, it took 2 hours of being harassed before I was finally lucid enough to comprehend why he was on my case two hours early.

4) deadlines

Wednesday: one paper, one exam and two take-home exams. Eeesh. See you then.


Anonymous said...

Please do not be upset with me, but I think NPSIA may be turning me into a Yuppie... I get awfully excited in our WTO Simulations...

I suppose there are worse things into which the school could transform me, but it is odd nonetheless.

I do like all the words that stem from yuppie, though. DINKs, SITCOMs, Bobos, and yuffies... I wonder if Fluppy Dogs are related in any way? That was one of my favourite cartoons when I was a kid.

SassyTortuga said...

I know DINK stands for Double Income/ No Kids..what are bobos and yuffies?

SassyTortuga said...

P.S. Matthew, I'm telling Heidi on you!

Anonymous said...

i have no bloody idea what all that was about Alex, other then some dude probably going to be richer then me.

Anonymous said...

DINK = the oldman that babbles a lot but is still cute in doing so

Anonymous said...

It's all on Wikipaedia...

So many fun acronyms...