Saturday, September 30, 2006

Or, at elast, here's hoping.

It really wasn't as bad as everybody made it out to be. The morning was a little rough, especially since I didn't sleep too well last night...but overall, it was just like doing yet another practice test, only in a quieter room. As long as I didn't think about the stakes being so much higher, I was a-ok.

Now I'm rewarding myself with uncharacteristic self-indulgence...I went out and bought not one, but two CDS - the War Child benefit CD and the Sam the Record Man 2006 compilation of local music. Then I made fabulsously fantastic sammiches with roasted mushrooms and red pepper and Sour Supreme (mmm, fake food good). And then I had chocolate. I should write big scary tests more often...


Anonymous said...

like i said, congrats on your 177-180

SassyTortuga said...

haha no, I'm quite sure that I got less than a 177. I got a 177 on the practice tests that I thought I aced, and I know for a fact that I did NOT ace the actual LSAT. I'll get my score back in approximately 3 weeks and then I'll let you know.

Anonymous said...

I like that even when you are indulging yourself you are buying things that benegit a cause. Always a hipster...always:)