Thursday, January 04, 2007

So I suppose I should update...

It has been a most busy time, what with agonizing over law school decisions, doing the Christmas thing and working at a Big-Girl Job. I really shouldn't complain about the first, seeing as how there are lots of people who would be thrilled to get into just ONE law school...but it's ridiculous how a couple of the registrars' offices want my $200 deposit at a ludicrously early date, far too early for me to make a truly informed decision. The life of a smart chick is so hard. Can't they take pity on me for being socially inept, having demanding parents and approxiamting the social life of a monk throughout my undergrad just so that I could get into their esteemed institutions? Can't they at least let me extort big scholarships from all of them BEFORE I hand over my own money?

Chrismas was nice despite my bizarre illness (it's like a cold except that I've been getting one symptom at a time and staying sick for unusually long). We did the colossal 20-pounds-of-mashed-potatoes family thing and I ate some tofurkey. All of my gifts were useful, which makes me immensely happy and relieved. There's nothing like Christmas to undermine year-long efforts to simplify one's life and reduce clutter and consumerism, but my family and friends seem to know me by now.

And now - try to contain your excitement - I have a new desk by a window. Life is good.


Anonymous said...

I concur wholeheartedly with the mashed potatoes and also with the life is good thing. Indian dance...woot!

Anonymous said...

That's a whole whack of mashed potato...

Congrats on the desk thing! As someone who works in a cubicle in a basement, I envy you.

Anonymous said...

About time.

and come on now, we have more fun than monks =P

Me said...

Happy new year to you. Hope its a good one.

SassyTortuga said...

I'll make up a distribution list for the next mashed potatoes affair. Apparrently my parents took half of them home, ate what they could over the next few days and then threw the rest out. I am shocked and appalled. Don't they know how many sandwiches you can make with that many mashed potatoes>!