Spring is slowly returning to my little corner of the world, even though the weather is being even more of a tease than most girls I knew in high school. I felt it was time for a new look - to hold us all over until such time as we can finally put our winter clothes in storage. I've actually spent some time lately doing this strange girly activity called shopping. I got some brightly-coloured work clothes from Twice-Shy and "American Apparel. They're so summery and fun, I can't wait for the warm weather to come back so that I can show off my pasty legs.
No amount of retail therapy, however, can ever beat the thrill of a clothing swap...getting together with the girls, bringing a bunch of old clothes and dumping them into a pile. Everybody jumps in and takes what they want - absolutely free - and the leftovers go to charity. One of my friends had one recently and while I couldn't go, she invited me over the next night and I scored bigbigbig just from the castoffs. I got a gorgeous, earthy scarf that made a perfect cover for my computer desk, a nearly-new purse, two shirts, a pair of jeans that fit my ass perfectly, and best of all - a fab fedora-type pink hat. All free, all second-hand (and thus without the ecological and social costs of manufacturing)...and my old stuff will be loved once again.
In other news, after about two years of saying "hey we should join the Grainery Jenny and I finally did just that. I had my first shift at the Farmers' Market last weekend and it was such a blast. I got freebies from the other vendors (and this girl LOVES freebies) and saw a bunch of my friends who are market regulars but who I somehow never manage to run into. As a result of this socializing I have a potential biking buddy (for when I finally get my bike) and maybe, possibly, I'll get my guaro and my copy of The Lorax back from the person who's had them since 2004.
Life is good good good.
Yay for spring time. Now that it's May, the lovely weather is practically guaranteed. It's all just a matter of time. I sure hope we have a decent summer this year, though, because I'm getting tired of it not getting hot until August.
PS: The word verification for this page was 'wagonn'. That's the first time I've ever had to type in something that was almost a real word.
My word verification is owccye.
I may have to coin that as a term for something, although I have no idea what.
Anyway, Spring is indeed wonderful. Your clothing swap thing sounds like a nifty idea for a party.
I misread the thing about you finding a biking buddy as being a 'bikini buddy'. Haha, it is barely Spring and already I am clearly anxious for Summer. The weather is fine here, so one is as good as the other for me.
Sometime this Summer you should hop up to Ottawa. We have lots of cycling trails and a museum full of dinosaurs and megaceropses.
Owccye for now!
I really like the new look, and I also managed to misread Biking buddy for bikini buddy, go figure. (pun intended)
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