Wednesday, October 24, 2007

You know what's good? red wine, Italian food, chocolate and girl talk with your roommate. Not so good? Trying to do legal citations and make sense of finders' rights cases afterwards. Oy.


Anonymous said...

Sorry dude, but we had mucho fun so I'm not that sorry. I lurve you.

Anonymous said...

Ah come on- Admit you loved every moment of it!

Anonymous said...

P.S.: It seems my e-mail address for you is out of date... I was going to send you this question:

What is the English transliteration for the Greek word 'σαπούνι'? I did a letter-for-letter attempt and ended up with 'sapoyni' but I was not sure if it actually should be something more like the French 'savon'. My reason for asking is that I was attempting to diagnose my sister's boyfriend with what I think is called 'sapoyniphysophobia' - An irrational fear of soapbubbles.