Saturday, April 26, 2008

Are you artsy?

In the advent of the big move, I've been feeling sickeningly domestic. And I'm trying to choose a paint colour for the walls. Problem is, I'm not terribly visual - and the condo is a bit challenging. I'll post some pictures soon, but here's an idea of what we're dealing with: a remodeled unit in a very old building, with an open concept kitchen and living room area. The front door and kitchen cabinets are two different variations on a goldish wood stain; the floors are mahoganyish; the countertops are medium gray; the fridge, stove and light fixtures are metal and the kitchen wall is done in brick behind the stove. The walls are currently a variety of builder's beige, which goes quite unoffensively with everything but isn't terribly interesting. It's a big, airy space - which is great, but it would be nice to make it feel more cozy, especially since right now our furniture is so, shall we say, minimal.

No doubt the other elements of the room will evolve organically, as we get donations from friends, family and Freecycle. Right now we have a mishmash of hand-me-down furniture: two grayish-blue armchairs, an antique trunk for a coffee table and an ugly gold floor lamp, plus some chocolate brown bar stools that The Boy's parents bought last summer. The most substantial art we have to speak of is a giant poster of The Great Wave of Kanagawa. As you might imagine, I tend to gravitate towards Earthy and spicy colours as well as jewel tones like turquoise, and natural materials of all kinds. I also really like the orange and gray look but I fear it wouldn't mesh well with my general style or the several mismatched shades of wood that pepper the condo.

Any ideas? Suggestions from creative types are always welcome!


Joshua Prowse said...

Here's a community for colour schemes that I like:

It should give you some ideas as you explore it.

Anonymous said...

You really should not have put an open invitation for interior design ideas... They turn me into some bizzare modern paintscheme-dishing form of Mr. Hyde...

Well, dark colours tend to make rooms feel smaller, while lighter ones lend themselves to big-making.

From your description, a deep brownish-orange sounds like it would go well with the brick, cupboards, and door. If you catch the right shade, it will be cozy, but not claustrophobic. Remember, you need not be limited to painting a totally flat colour- You could go for a slighly darker main wall colour and then paint over it with a lighter tone of the same colour with a textured roller. That might add some extra depth and vigour.

Whatever you decide to do, post a few pictures! :-)

- Matthew.

Anonymous said...

P.S.: You could just cook with a lot of tumeric- It will not do much to your walls, but you will turn orange, and your place will smell orange, too.

Melanie said...

Hey Alex!!

I have been trying to e-mail you but apparently I don't have a working e-mail address for you anymore, it keeps bouncing back to me!!

Anyway, this is totally random and sort of last minute, but I am having a bunch of people over to my house on Wed. night for a Bollywood night! We're going to watch a gloriously cheesy Indian film, and eat a massive ton of Indian food. Everything will be vegetarian, but also I have a vegan girl coming so there will be vegan options too. I know you like food and stuff, and I haven't seen you in ages, so you totally should come if you are free!!

Everyone is coming over around 6:30ish. Let me know if you would like to join! :)

SassyTortuga said...

Josh - thanks! I'll have to play around with that and see if I get some inspiration.

Matthew - I was thinking along the same lines, but I'm worried that between the walls, the floor and the bricks there would just be way too much red and brown going on. I'm going to keep it in mind, though.

Anonymous said...

go with's pretty and it'll brighten up the place but if you get the right shade shouldn't make the place feel too small.