The very green beverage, by the way, is spinach, pineapple and cilantro with bee pollen granules sprinkled in top. Sounds kind of gross, right? Surprise! It was totally yummy. Of course, The Boy might have a warning for you about how much faith to put in my description of something as "yummy"...
Friday, December 05, 2008
This girl's life:

The very green beverage, by the way, is spinach, pineapple and cilantro with bee pollen granules sprinkled in top. Sounds kind of gross, right? Surprise! It was totally yummy. Of course, The Boy might have a warning for you about how much faith to put in my description of something as "yummy"...
The very green beverage, by the way, is spinach, pineapple and cilantro with bee pollen granules sprinkled in top. Sounds kind of gross, right? Surprise! It was totally yummy. Of course, The Boy might have a warning for you about how much faith to put in my description of something as "yummy"...
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