Thursday, July 21, 2005


The Cornerstore has no air conditioning. Have I mentioned this before? Just a bunch of stupid fridges that produce extra heat. Good thing my job doesn't require me to expend energy.

So Marky declined to lend me his copy of HP & the Half Blood Prince...seems he wants to read it over again, taking longer than 24 hours this time, so that he can truly appreciate it. I think he's just being selfish. But my consolation prize was that since I was over at the apartment to beg for it anyway, Sean lent me Wolves of the Calla (Stephen King) and I'm happy. I have somewhat of an unhealthy fascination with those bothers me to have to take more than one sitting to read them. Thus I am quite tired this morning. And still not even close to finished the book.

No "hard-hitting political commentary" today. Just a comment on the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Canada: about bloody time.

1 comment:

Wher4RtThou said...

Did you get the Harry Potter book yet? If not I can part with mine for a little while.. I might have a bit of separation anxiety and bug you about it for a little while .. but you know..