Noramlly KC will meow at you until you pay atention to him, then promptly ignore you once you have; even more so if you pick him up and talk to him in a high-pitched come-here-and-give-grandma-a-kiss kind of voice. This evening, however, he was not to be ignored for a second. I picked him up, expecting him to put up with it for 30 seconds before struggling to get away...but instead he looked at me. Purred. batted at my had. Purred louder. So I had to do that thing that you do with babies, where you wlk around with them and bounce them a little and show them furniture and decorations and pictures and tell them all about whatever you're showing them and they looka t you with total awe even though they have no idea what you're saying and you're just telling them about how a lamp works.
Then I went to do laundry and as I was emptying out my hamper he boldly crawled inside while I was still pulling stuff out. I tipped it over on its side and partially closed the lid and he sat inside and purred so louldy I could hear him halfway across the room. Funny cat.

Not KC. But it made me giggle.
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