Saturday, December 31, 2005

Home again!

Yes indeed, it is 4:43am on new Year's Eve and I'm still awake. I got home around 12:30 and shot the shit with Jenn for a while before she went to bed and I got into the shower. The thing about my grandparents' house is that they just have a hand-held shower head in the bathtub and that's a big pain because in order to rinse out your hair really well you need to use both hands and holding the sprayer makes that difficult for those of us with only 2 hands and no opposable thumbs on our feet. My point is, home = good.

The bus ride was sooooo long - about 15 hours total - but it was alright. I had a single-serving friend from St. Stephen, NB to Moncton, a dude who told me a bunch of crazy drunken stories. Then after that I needed rest and quiet time and the person who sat next to me had headphones on so it worked out the universe was conspiring to make the trip as painless as possible. But I really need to get some sleep now, the problem is I have to wait for my hair to dry so that I don't sleep on it and make it know...all funny. And my shiitake log will be occupying the bathtub for 24 hours, starting after jenn's morning shower, so I need it to look good at least until that's all done.

Hair=almost dry. Nighty-night.

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