However, I loathe cleaning and am procrastinating the kitchen in a big bad way while Jenn is too enthralled with her new fish tank to care.
Guess what else? I have pictures! Check it out:

There's propaganda EVERYWHERE

Yeah, he's anatomically correct...and well-endowed to boot.

This guy, on the other hand...well, he was kinda vandalized.

When you sign up to kiss the dolphins, this is what you get...

Havana: black flags to mark the years of the continuing US embargo

Possibly the former Presidential Palace?

Ooh, pretty pictures! Looks like you had a blast. :-)
What's with the Mount not wanting to appear partisian? Besides, if Darrell went there, then the others would just have to do their own events there, too. Everyone would be happy, particularly all you nifty Nerds ;-) Talk about Partisian... On the NPSIA website they advertise that one of the profs got a job spiffing up PM Harper's Cabinet...
Kenney actually suggested to the Mount admin that they invite the otehr party leaders to come and do their schtick at the mount as well, so then nobody could complain. But no dice. He's pissed, and he was like, "if SMU lets hime do it...grrrrr" except in a slightly more Kenney-ish .
And Mark: thanks, I managed to squeeze that one out of my dying camera. And I'm very proud of my tan - that's an active tan, not a lazy girly tan. Woot!
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