Thursday, July 27, 2006


A cookie for anyone who can tell me why I'm so insatiably hungry today. Then again, maybe I'll just eat it myself...

Walking around in glasses is like watching a 3D movie: ordinary things like chairs and tree branches pop out at you, looking abnormally well-defined and just a little fake. I've been playing this pointless little game where I look at things and see just how pronounced the difference is with the glasses and without. With, without. with, without. And so on, until headache ensues.


Wher4RtThou said...

You got your new glasses? AWESOME! I wanna see!! It is a big difference though isn't it to see everything all sharp and pretty! Apparently that's how we're supposed to see all the time.. who knew?

Anonymous said...

May he who is without dork cast the first stone Mark.

Julie said...

i did that too. until i got those glasses that get all bendy and such. they keep me entertained now... *sigh*