Friday, July 14, 2006


It has been a long week of sitting indoors doing data entry. Oh well, I'm developing Excel skills that will help me get a new job...right? I've been doing up some applications and waiting to hear back about one that I sent off on Tuesday. The idea of having a Real Job (Capital-R, Capital-J) is at once scary and wickedawesome. Change is one of the best things in life, and when you add a challenge to that, it gets so much better. Now I just need to find somebody interesting to hire me.

The cleansing officially starts next week, so I'm going to the market and getting lots of healthy foods which I will cook tomorrow night in order to get me through the week. This past week I've been testing for a soy allergy, because when I first went tofu-head I suspected that I had one. It was probably just my body adapting, though, because I haven't felt different this week. That said, I cheated every step of the way. Don't judge: I work 35 hours a week in a convenience store. I make minimum wage. It's been too muggy to cook. Everything contains soy and if you don't believe me, just go into a convenience store and read a few ingredient labels. We even have a pile of soy-laden energy bars here in the store, which have expired and thus are free.

Actually, I've felt pretty fantastic lately due to being more mindful of my health. I start the day with an apple - I heard it was better at getting you going in the morning than a cup of coffee, and surprise! it's so true. Plus none of that crummy feeling that coffee causes in your stomach. I walk to and from work whenever the weather's nice, and Jenn and I have started doing Pilates or yoga together three nights a week. And this morning we had smoothies made with rice milk, frozen bananas, frozen peaches, fresh blueberries and this "natural flavour" Vega stuff that I found at the Superstore and had to try (what? It was endorsed by Bif Naked!). This very green powder, mixed with water like it suggests on the package, tastes (as my mother would say) "healthy". Meaning yucky. However, blended into the smoothie it was pretty good and I could say "whee! I just drank a synergistic collection of plant-based superfoods!"

We also smudged our apartment this week. I waved the smoke from burning herbs into all the rooms and Jenn used her pendulum to find spots of negative energy that we needed to neutralize ("Hey Alex, there's a lot of positive energy over your bed!"). I'm a skeptical little pagan but at the very least I find it psychologically beneficial to go through a physical act of expelling old energies and feelings so that a fresh start is possible.

Speaking of a fresh start - I now need to go work on some unfinished projects at my unskilled, minimum wage job. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Mmm... Green healthsmoothie... Glad things are working out with your zaney detoxification!

I am getting really excited about next week (And a little apprehensious, given the amount of homework I have to do before then!)

SassyTortuga said...

Yeah, but you're Super Masters Degree Guy. You can do it!