Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dolphin-friendly tuna is all well and good, if you're not a tuna.

Pointless post. Blame BTFF, because he's bored and complained about not having any fun weblogs to read.

The store is as full as ever of zany madness...the people who sold us our freezer just over a year ago now want to charge us $750 to fix it because it's defective. Let me tell you the story of the freezer. See, for about a week it would blow its circuit every single day. The university electricians got sick of fixing it, because it was the only appliance on that particular circuit and shouldn't have been tripping the breaker, so they told us we were on our own. After almost a month the freezer company finally stopped dicking around and sent somebody in to look at it (today). The dude tinkered with it for a while and, trying to make conversation, I asked him if he'd figured out what was wrong with it. "It keeps blowing the circuit," he replied, as though that weren't (a) blatantly obvious and (b)the very reason we had called him in.

So an hour and a half later he leaves us with a partially-fixed freezer that I still don't trust, a wholly incomplete explanation of the further work that we need done, and a bill for $90. The general consensus around here is: I want that job.


Anonymous said...

At least it doesn't emit a high pitched noise at a level that is fun for both people and dogs.

SassyTortuga said...

Does your freezer do that?

Anonymous said...

Oh yea.

Anonymous said...

We spent so much time analysing the tuna-dolphin WTO case this year... :-S