Monday, August 21, 2006

R.I.P. shiitake log

You never produced any shiitakes, but you were a source of hope for 8 months, and the bright-yellow fungus that you grew in your final days added a splash of colour to the apartment before Jenn raised concerns about what kind of toxic spores it might be releasing into the air. May you journey unimpeded to mushroom-log heaven.

Great, cooking, Buskerfest with the Sackville crew, then a glorious Sunday full of reading and staring blankly at the walls.


Anonymous said...

What the hell is it?.

Anonymous said...

It is (was) a log that grows (grew) shiitake mushrooms. The awesomest Christmas present ever...sadly, it didn't work the way it was supposed to.

Anonymous said...

I see so it's a log that grows "Mushrooms" eh, I think my mom had one of those in high school.

Anonymous said...

I would like to state for the record that I also miss the log...I was only concerned seeing as the yellow fungus it produced in its final moments reminded me of the yellow insulation you find in old houses.
I would also like to say that the last two weekends have totally rocked and I love spending quality time with the awesomest roomie ever!

Anonymous said...

The shittake log has only gone to a better place, and the experience learned here will be of benefit to future, more prosperous fungus growing efforts =)