Thursday, January 26, 2006

The magickal freezer of awesomeness

Everyone should have one like's always full of soy ice cream without even the necessity of going to the grocery store or paying for it.

That happy reality is numbing the AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the back of my head: a week's worth of school to catch up on, a high GPA to maintain, a mentoring program to prepare for, a media-fodder job-shadowing event to coordinate, a family with which to communicate, a job to attend to, ocular health to take care of, grad photos to get done, bills to pay, a life to lead and two other people to feed.

And I can't find my green hi-liter. I really am so obsessive-compulsive sometimes that I can't concentrate if I'm using any other colour of hi-liter aside from green. Purple least of all. This is one of those times, and purple is the only one I can find. Must. Buy. Green. Hi-liter.

Sleep? I did that once.


Julie said...

hey, it could be worse, you could have to lock yourself in a tiny room with a metronome!!

so kidding. i wish you the utmost of motivation in the week(s) to come. you can dooooooo it!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the green highlighter!

I am sure you can handle to craziness of life. After all, it is much better than the alternative, right?

Breathe Deep, Seek Peace, God Bless!

SassyTortuga said...

Haha thanks you two! I feel better!