Sunday, May 14, 2006


According to the Nova Scotia election site, the Tories are currently projected to win a majority this time around, with 31 seats. Now, there's a danger in investing too much confidence in polls and I'm not going to give this prediction too much weight (especially with a month of campaigning ahead of us) but wold we be looking at another four years of the PCs taking credit for Darrel Dexter's ideas? (Oh my, how very partisan of me!)

On a less-partisan note, I've been interested in the discussions of eliminating the provincial tax on home-heating fuel, which of course was on the now-never-to-be-voted-on provincial budget that was recently tabled. As an ecologically-minded left-winger I'm a little iffy on that one - isn't there a more sustainable approach? The provincial Liberals are talking about conservation measures instead of removing the tax. Of course the details of their ideas don't make it into the papers, so I think after I'm done writing this I'll do a little research on how they propose dealing with this issue. I'm also curious to find out exactly what the failings of the "Keep the Heat" program are - targeted spending seems a better idea in this case, get the benefit to the people who most need the relief, rather than encouraging increased fuel consumption across the board.

Anyway, it is a very early 6:30 in the morning and I'm BLOGGING, of all things, but you see I suddenly got really tired yesterday around 5 or 6 and went to bedultra-early because I'm a wanker like that. So, while some of you are just getting to bed I'm awake and (surprisingly) alert.

In other news, I am now a university graduate. How exciting! Now that I have BA and lots of academic awards, I shall be working in the convenience-store industry for the summer (let's hear it for that Arts degree!) and looking for something more, um, MEANINGFUL for the Fall. And by meaningful I also mean better-paying. jenn and I celebrated by eating lots of junk food and watching Buffy when I was supposed to be doing LSAT prep. Clap if you love your roommate! (clap, clap!)

Yesterday I dragged Nocturnal Boy to the Brewery Market and he kindly pretended that it interested him. It was nice to get back there after something like 3 weeks' absence - the spring vegetables are coming out, and - yes! - we got fiddleheads to have for supper tonight. I luuuurrrv fiddleheads! I plan to make a feast out of 2 pounds of steamed fiddleheads, sauteed in olive oil and garlic, and served with herb bread. Oh baby yeah - nothing says lovin' (or spring!) like roughage.

Jenn and I also went and bought some supplies for her fish tank. We also got Rufus, a very hip plecko, and Ivana, a female gourami to replace Isabelle, may she rest in peace. Johnny Money seemes to be leaving Ivana alone for the most part. She is quite young, so maybe he feels like a cradlerobber. Incidentally, Jenn rejected "Jem" as a female rockstar name - she said it was too girly. Now THERE's a switch.


Aaron said...

Hi stranger,

I have a bit of trouble with the NDP Energy Plan, but the first point of their five point plan (becoming Canada's leader in renewable energy and conservation) makes up for the tax-removal on essentials like home heating, which I'm trying to see as a social justice plank that recognizes all families need some help with their bills.

That NS election site poll is not terribly nuanced. A poll that doesn't recognize there are 3 Nova Scotias (urban, suburban and rural, or at least the Capers, HRM and the rest) won't be an effective predictor of the polls. But I do think the Tories will get their majority - it would take a lot of partisan poli-sci volunteers to knock off Bill Black in Citadel. It's a short campaign, but a lot can happen - hopefully my pessimism will fail me.

Have a good campaign.

Anonymous said...

Happy graduation, and happy fiddlehead-eating. Sadly rather than having tasty fiddleheads here they have monster squirrels.

Well, anyway, congratulations again!

Julie said...

congrats alex!!
hope the campaign and the summer treat you well.

-julie, working full time in an office for the next month. what the hell is that about?

SassyTortuga said...

Thanks dudette!

Where are you working?