Wednesday, June 14, 2006

So I hear Mr. Rogers reruns are going off the air. Apparently the pace of the show is too relaxed for Canadian children. Maybe that's because of the current ADD pandemic, because I watched Mr. Rogers for years and it was total quality. He had good puppet shows. Anyway I assume just about everybody's seen that clip of Mr. Rogers defending PBS funding before the Senate during the Nixon years, but here it is just in case you haven't. I know of a whole lot of children who could seriously benefit from the relaxation-inducing qualities of that voice.

Anyway I'm sure all of my Nova Scotia-living readers voted in yesterday's election, and a curse on you if you didn't (see archives from January 2006). The Conservatives returned with another (slimmer) minority, while the NDP won a record 20 seats (including Graham's, which is no surprise) and the Liberals got the remaining 9. I like this minority thing because it means that the Opposition (i.e. the party I support) gets way more say in the governing process. And that's a good thing.

Nine women were elected this time, another record for the province. That makes 17% of the provincial legislature. That's less than the precentage in Parliament, which is a sad figure in itself, but an improvement nonetheless. Assuming that Women in House will happen without me next year, the co-ordinator will have more to work with!

I was more than 3 hours late for the victory party due to an unfortunate incident involving cookie crumbs, a vaccuum cleaner that wouldn't suck and a highly distraught roommate, but lots of people were still there so I had a couple drinks with Krissy and Denis, did some very light schmoozing (I hate doing that, sitting down with a pitcher of beer is SO much more conducive to making connections with people), found out who to talk to about emploment, and FINALLY got a campaign pin. And an election sign for my room because I'm ghetto.

Then this morning I had brunch with Andrea at the Soup'er Sandwich Shop which offers a decent vegan omelette. It was unlike any I've had before and I think I would have preferred some good ol' scrambled tofu, but it was neat to be able to walk into a restaurant and say "could I get a vegan omelette?" and have them say "yeah, no problem!" What a wonderful world we live in.


Anonymous said...

A vegan omlette... Wow.

I listened to the CBC radio webcast of the election results. I was quite surprised to find out that a former Page I worked with, Mat Whynot, had been running for the NDP in Hammonds Plains. He came in a close second.

In other news, my parents bought a house just North of the Mount on Larry Uteck Boulevard. They move in just before I arrive for my vist in late July, so I am even more excited than before to come.

SassyTortuga said...

You didn't tell me you were coming to visit!!! You'll have to call me so we can do soemthing while you're here!

And yeah, I went to high school with Mat...I'm so impressed with how well he did in the election, not only being so young but running against an incumbent Cabinet minister. I spoke with him briefly at the NDP victory party and he seemed really happy with the outcome, too.