Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thus begins Day 2

This is also the earliest I've women up in months - I start my full-time CornerStoreness today. I'm surprisingly alert, despite the lack of caffeine. I read somewhere recently that an apple in the morning is more effective than a cup of coffee - I wonder if the same is true of lemon juice?

So yesterday was a challenge, what with working in a convenience store and all, with 8 kinds of yummy chocolate things on sale. It'll be hell when they're free. I drank a ton of water, ate a lot of rice (white - can't wait to move and buy brown rice again) and twiddled my thumbs. Oh, the temptation!

Today I'm quasi-prepared...I have a big stir-fry and a bag of almonds, plus a big ol buckwheat pancake in my belly. I haven't started the sugar- and gluten-free deal yet but i'vs started figuring out what the eff I'm gonna eat when I do. Lots of beans, lentils, rice, veggies and mmm-mmm raisins, nature's candy!

I also finally have a computer back in the CStore and it's wonderful. It means that I can take I Like Yellow back to its boredom-defeating origin in CStore summers past.


Anonymous said...

I still don't get how this reveals possible allergies. If you stop eating everything allergenic, how do you know what it was that was disagreeing with you in the first place? If it is just the caffeine or just the gluten that is particularly adverse, how will you figure out which it is?

Really, I hope this all works out for you. It just seems so... Large-scale.

SassyTortuga said...

I only eliminate one at a time, that's how. This week I'm easing into the program, then next week it'll be gluten, then the next week I'll eat gluten again and cut out soy, and so on, and then in about 3 weeks' time I'll cut out the baddies like processed foods etc, and do the detox.

It's really not as scary as it amy seem, it's just a process and I've been working out how said process is going to flow.