Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hippie Alert!

I got a free natural-health-style magazine at the Supahstore on Monday night and was inspired by it. As I have been feeling very blah lately, lacking energy and suffering from horrendous skin, I have decided to try a detox. Not the juice-fast kind of detox, I don't have that kind of willpower. And I'm way too little to do it safely, methinks.

No, I'm going to start ACTUALLY exercising, and cut some stuff out of my diet for a while...baddies like alcohol, caffeine, sugar and processsed foods just because they're, well, not healthy...and stuff like wheat and nightshade vegetables to test for undiagnosed allergies. It's recommended that people also cut out meat and dairy, but well...I think I can safely skip that step

(Oh dear, I almost used a smiley-face emoticon...somebody save me from myself)

Anyway, then there will be a week of doing crazy things like starting every day with half a lemon squeezed into a glass of warm water (basically warm lemonade without the sugar - but I tried it, and it's not nearly as bad as it sounds), taking milk thistle supplements and bathing in epsom salts. Sounds relatively painless, really. I'll keep you up-to-date on the progress of this crazy adventure in Hipsterland.


Anonymous said...

I agree that epson salts are super for bathing... I am not sure what you have left to eat, though- Lemon juice and warm water seems like sparse sustenance for a week.

As for the smiley-face emoticon, I think they are fine :-)

Wher4RtThou said...

you're cutting out alcohol just before my bday pub crawl.. silly silly alex..

SassyTortuga said...

Haha well...I have plenty left to eat. It's just for a short while anyway, and part of the whole point of detoxing is that you mostly eat fresh fruit, veggies, grains and legumes for a short time anyway. It makes no difference that I don't eat animal products to begin with, because you're supposed to give them up to detox anyway.

It's just about knowing how to make lentils and green stuff taste good...and I'm way ahead of the genreal population on that one already!

And about the pub crawl: Lisa, I'll definitely buy you a drink, but I wasn't planning to drink anyway because my little sister's birthday party is the next day...